The Spin: A Story of Centrifugal Steam Guns
David spun his sling up-to-speed overhead and loosed a stone at Goliath. It hit the giant in the head, killing him and winning the future King of Israel ever-la... Read more.

Dark Chambers: Gun Designers Fill Need for Fluted Chambers
As soon as Hiram Maxim invented automatic firearms, inventors tried to find novel means of operation to make their gun designs simpler, cheaper, lighter, more p... Read more.

The Iron Door: Soviet Russian Weapons Designers Stop the Germans in Their Tracks
In four months, his army carved hundreds of miles east from Poland, through Russia, to the city of Tula. Tula straddled the roads and rails 120-miles south of M... Read more.

The Rifleman Who Went to War: The Twisted Tales of Sir Sam, Sir Charles and Mac
He is often called the Father of the American Sniper. Champion shot and brilliant soldier, his books are still read and loved. He is honest and even self-effaci... Read more.

Knight of the Elephant – The Wild Story of Colonel “Mad Mike” Hoare and the Congo Crisis
By Terry Edwards – “Live dangerously; as carefully as possible.” –Colonel “Mad Mike” Hoare Colonel Michael “Mad Mike” Hoare died peacefully ... Read more.

Lethal Reality – The .22 Rimfire
By Terry Edwards – Parlor shooting was the after-dinner rage in the later 1800s because of one inventor. In 1845, Louis-Nicolas Flobert introduced his ind... Read more.