NFATCA Report: March 2017
By Jeffrey Folloder I write this article in November 2016, just after the “surprise” election of Donald J. Trump to the Presidency of the United States. How... Read more.

NFATCA Report: V21N1
By Jeff Folloder 1.426 MILLION NFA items As mentioned in a previous publication and online sources, ATF reports that it processed 308,563 NFA forms for 2015. Th... Read more.

NFACTA Report: V20N10
By Jeffrey W. Folloder Registering with the State Department and paying the annual registration fees as a manufacturer under the International Traffic in Arms R... Read more.

NFATCA Report: November 2016
By Jeff Folloder Registering with the State Department and paying the annual registration fees as a manufacturer under the International Traffic in Arms Regulat... Read more.

NFATCA Report: October 2016
By Jeff Folloder One of the most recognized points of contention in the world of NFA firearms is the implementation and accuracy of ATF’s National Firearms Re... Read more.