NFATCA Report: “The New Normal?”
Jeff Folloder “It is almost as if many of us are just waiting for somebody else to do the heavy lifting. And hoping that it will turn out well.” Welcome... Read more.

NFATCA Report: NFA Handbook Update in the Works
The National Firearms Act Trade and Collectors Association has always endeavored to work cooperatively with all of the moving pieces of the National Firearms Ac... Read more.

NFATCA Report: We Lost a Good Man
Almost twenty years ago saw a group of like-minded individuals get together with a goal of trying to simplify the world of National Firearms Act weapons and mak... Read more.

NFATCA Report: eForms For Everyone
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has been continuously improving their automated filing system, eForms, for years. Many of you have exper... Read more.

NFATCA Report: Is Brandon Bringing Us Together?
“Let’s go Brandon!” By now, you almost certainly have heard this cheer. If you’re unfamiliar, this cheer/meme started when a crowd was heard during a li... Read more.

NFATCA Report: We Must Stand Together
It’s hard to look at current events and not conclude that the United States of America appears to be in a heap of trouble. Though this column was written in S... Read more.

NFATCA Report: Training Building skillsets
It has often been said that being involved in the shooting world is all about turning money into once-fired brass. Even more so with machine guns! One can o... Read more.

NFATCA Report: The Mind of a Collector
The mind of a collector. It’s a strange and curious thing. I would like to be specific and declare that I am not talking about somebody who acquires things; m... Read more.

NFATCA Report: August 2021
Those lyrics (penned by The Buggles, if you are curious) were part of the very first music video that was broadcast by MTV on August 1, 1981. The words boldly s... Read more.

NFATCA Report: V25N3
January Zoom Meeting Yields Important Updates By Jeff Folloder This article was written at the beginning of February, while the pandemic was still in full swing... Read more.