By Chris A. Choat

Sight-In Systems, Inc. has just introduced their new ON TARGET software. The new program is loaded with features for every type of shooter; big game hunters, bench rest shooters, varmint hunters and tactical shooters. The program allows the user to set it up for his particular rifle and load! With ON TARGET the shooter can print targets, take them to the range and sight in, then enter the shot group along with chrono readings, rifle type and ammo loading and Presto. The program gives the shooter all the information he or she needs for perfect shot placement at all ranges out to 1000 yards. You can choose from more than 600 cartridges in the database or define your own (great for reloaders).
Other features include effects of wind, lead for moving targets, effects of shooting up and down hill and how temperature and barometric pressure affect scope settings. Two versions of the program are available; the Standard and the Marksman. The Marksman has several more features than the Standard version. Annual updates to cartridge and chamber databases are free for registered users via their website or for a nominal fee on diskette. Using a point and click interface, ON TARGET is available in either a 16-bit version for Windows 3.1/95 or a 32-bit version for Windows 95. This is one of the most detailed and helpful shooting programs I have seen. For more information contact; Sight-In Systems, Inc., Dept. SAR, 7529 Ravens Nest Ct., Columbus, OH 43235. Phone: 1-614-846-3090. Fax: 1-614-785-0366. You can also contact them via the web at
C&S METALL-WERKES LTD., is now offering 32-round high capacity magazines for the M-11/9, M-10/9 and the Colt M-16/AR-15 9mm guns. The magazines are from existing brand new Madsen 32 round mags. These are single feed double column magazines. The mags are redone and then finished in a baked-on black moly-resin coating. The resulting magazine is very robust and is guaranteed 100% reliable. The
three styles are available now with conversions for other guns in the near future. For more information or to place an order contact C&S METALL-WERKES, LTD., Dept. SAR, 4025-O Old Highway 94 South, St. Charles, MO 63304. Phone: 1-314-928-1511. Fax: 1-314-922-9004. Their web site is

A new high ride flat top upper receiver for the Ar-15/M-16 series of rifles is now available from DPMS. The new upper is made to their exacting standards with a finish that matches the dark black AR’s perfectly. The high ride upper has a built-in Weaver type rail to accept virtually all optics. The high ride design aligns the shooters eye to the scope without added risers or super high rings. It is available either with or without rings. This new design does not feature a forward assist or an ejection port cover. Another new item from DPMS is their Leatherwood Lever Lock Scope Mount. This new scope mount will fit most weaver type rails. It features a steel locking lever and an aluminum rail body. There are no screws or clamps to deal with using this mount. The mount can be instantly attached or removed by simply throwing a swing lever on the side. The mount will return to zero time after time. It also has built-in ring windage adjustments. The mount comes with 1 inch rings but can also be ordered with 30mm rings. For more information or to order their fact-filled catalog contact DPMS, Dept. SAR, 13983 Industry Avenue, Becker, MN 55308. Phone: 1-612-261-5600. Fax: 1-612-261-5599. They’re on the web at

Sporting Goods dealers and other shooters and enthusiasts can now thoroughly clean their firearms thanks to an eight-step procedure available from L&R Manufacturing Company. Used in conjunction with L&R’s Quantrex Ultrasonic Cleaning Systems, the procedure cleans 16 times more effectively than manual cleaning, even in areas that are impossible to reach by hand. Available in a variety of sizes, L&R’s Ultrasonic Cleaning Systems can readily accommodate from one handgun to multiple guns at once, including shotguns and other long guns. Used with L&R’s biodegradable and solvent-free Ultrasonic Weapon Cleaning Solution Concentrate, the systems remove crud, light rust, loose lead, powder build-up and copper residue effortlessly. Following cleaning, L&R’s Ultrasonic Weapon Lubricating Solution displaces all traces of water and leaves the gun with a uniform dry lubrication. The result is a gun that looks and feels “factory new”. To receive a copy of the step-by-step procedure chart, or for more information contact L&R Manufacturing Company, Dept. SAR, 557 Elm Street, PO Box 607, Kearny, NJ 07032-0607. Phone: 1-201-991-5330.
This article first appeared in Small Arms Review V2N1 (October 1998) |