By Chris A. Choat

Advanced Armament Corp. has introduced two new high quality, high tech suppressors to add to their already extensive line. The new suppressors are dubbed the STRIKER and the PHANTOM. The new STRIKER is a compact, lightweight, quick-detach sound suppressor designed to interface with the 9mm Heckler & Koch MP-5 submachine gun and any other weapon featuring a 3-lug barrel or adapter manufactured to H&K specifications. Mounting to the barrel is accomplished with a CNC machined quick-detach mount. Weighing only 12 ounces and measuring only 9 inches in length, this unit has no adverse effect on either the handling or accuracy of the weapon. The STRIKER outperforms any comparable sized 9mm suppressor, and many that are significantly larger and more expensive. It easily satisfies the demand for a small, light-weight tactical suppressor for the 9mm MP-5. The unit features precision CNC machined 6061-T6 aluminum baffles in a hard black anodized aluminum body utilizing aircraft grade alloys. As with all Advanced Armament Corp. units, no wipes or mesh packings are used, and cleaning can be accomplished by simple immersion in solvents. The next new model is called the PHANTOM. This model is a thread mounting type suppressor for 9mm pistols, carbines and submachine guns. Compact and lightweight, the PHANTOM is constructed of CNC machined aircraft quality aluminum alloy and stainless steel. The internal components of the PHANTOM are designed to minimize first round pop and are tuned to provide enough back pressure to cycle a number of Browning style semi-automatic pistols without the use of expensive and cumbersome recoil enhancing equipment. Equally suited for sport shooting and tactical applications, the performance of the PHANTOM can be increased by up to 30% by introducing a small amount (approximately 5cc) of water into the rear of the baffle stack. Like all Advanced Armament Corporation suppressors, the PHANTOM features a stainless steel rear mount to prevent excess thread wear that is common with all-aluminum suppressors. For more information on these and their full-line of high tech suppressors contact Advanced Armament Corporation, Dept. SAR, 221 Crogan Street, Lawrenceville, GA 30045. Phone: 1-770-277-4946. fax: 1-770-963-6556. They are also on the web at

If you are like this editor and are interested in miniatures and also an aficionado of machine guns then this new product is the best of both worlds. A company called 21st Century Toys has started producing a line of miniatures that is second to none in detail as well as realism. These tiny guns are actually accessories to the company’s line of 12” G.I. Joe style action figures. Fore those of you that had G.I. Joe’s as kids, be ready to be impressed. These are not the plastic toys of years gone by. These new miniatures are very high tech. They appear to be die-cast and are so realistic that they look as though they could fire. They are also exact copies of real guns, not just something that sort of resembles the original. For example there is an H&K PDW that features a folding stock, suppressor, black H&K type sling, 2 removable 15 round magazines that are mag clamped together and a navy style trigger group. You can even see brass painted bullets in the top of the magazines! As I said before the detail has to be seen to be believed. Other H&K miniatures available are an MP-5 with collapsible stock, MP-5 with full stock, MP-5SD, MP-5K even MP-5’s with Tac-Lights. Not only is there a complete line of H&K copies available there is an almost endless list of others. Some include a Steyr AUG, AK-47, Mac-10 and 11 with suppressors, Uzi’s, FN-FAL, M-16’s with suppressors, M-16’s with M-203’s, MINIMI’s, M-60, M-60 E3, H&K SOCOM with suppressor and light unit and even a miniature Beta C-mag. There is also a line of heavy weapons, World War II weapons, Vietnam era weapons, German World War II weapons and a host of others. There is even a new MK-19 Automatic Grenade Launcher. By the way, the disk in the center of the photo is a quarter. For more information on the fantastic collectibles contact; 21st Century Toys, Dept. SAR, 2037 Clement Avenue, Building 33, Alameda, CA 94501. Phone: 510-814-0719. Fax: 1-510-814-8916. Check out their web site at
This article first appeared in Small Arms Review V3N3 (December 1999) |