Robert G. Segel
As the Holiday Season draws near, it is the time to reflect upon peace, home and family. This is particularly true as it pertains to the soldiers in the field. With loved ones so far away, one’s thoughts drift to a quiet time and place and dwell upon ones hopes and desires for a peaceful resolution. The thoughts of loved ones returning safely home to family and friends takes on a gripping urgency in times of mortal conflict. The long tradition of sending Christmas wishes and Season’s Greetings does not take a back seat just because the soldier is thousands of miles from home and sitting in a foxhole or trench. If anything, it is even that more important. Though times have changed, the sentiment has not as we look at a selection of vintage cards sent home to loved ones during the World War I and World War II periods. Some express a simple sentimental message while others convey pride in their machine gun unit affiliation. Some are strikingly serious while others use humor to convey the message. Whatever the depiction, the underlying message is clear.
This article first appeared in Small Arms Review V8N3 (December 2004) |