Firearms’ Safeties: Some work. Some, Not So Much
Many assume a firearm’s safety mechanism will reliably prevent an accidental discharge. However, that’s a risky assumption because safeties come in varying... Read more.

The Venerable .22 Rimfire: Flobert’s Metallic Cartridge and How One Company Continues Its Story
Many of us began our shooting experience with a .22 rifle. That’s because the .22 rimfire cartridge is the most prolific round with the most varied chamber-in... Read more.

Optoelectronics—A Marriage of Imaging and Artificial Intelligence Under the Law of Physics
The optical sighting device industry is heading toward replacing traditional ground lens see-through glass optics with optoelectronic sighting devices. This evo... Read more.

Bionic Warrior: Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Cloaking, Directed Energy and Cyber Weapons
The United States dedicates significant resources in defense spending with the objective of keeping its competitors and numerous potential enemies focused upon ... Read more.

Gassed! Examining Gas Operating Systems: Direct Impingement vs. Gas Piston
Bohemian Karel Krnka is credited with developing the first gas-operated rifle in the late 19th century. Krnka’s early design, further improved on and perfecte... Read more.

Situational Awareness: Getting off the “X”
You’ve been texting with your friends and not paying attention to your surroundings. You suddenly hear commotion close by and detect rapid movement coming at ... Read more.

You Might Have a Screw Loose: Technical Evaluation of Vibra-Tite VC-3 Threadmate
What is a thread-locking compound, and what is its purpose? Thread-locking compounds are designed to prevent threaded fasteners from becoming loose when exposed... Read more.

Narrow Variables Increase Accuracy: How to Avoid Negative-Accuracy Sins
Today’s computer-aided design, precision machining processes and exact-ing quality assurance offer a consistent level of firearms accuracy never before achiev... Read more.

Defending the Castle: Target Practice vs. Self-Defense Shooting
When practicing shooting skills, most shooters aim at the bullseye striving for tight groups and leave the range believing they are adequately skilled to defend... Read more.

Precision Fastidiousness: A Properly Maintained Weapon Provides Accuracy, Reliability and Longevity
One of the great mistakes made by many shooters is to judge a firearm’s performance based upon the manufacturer’s claims, rather than by its operational res... Read more.