By Dan Shea
We decided to have a little fun with the SHOT show issue this year. As evidence, this month’s cover. The ladies on this month’s cover have all been in the Class 3 community for a long time, and when they decided to have some fun with a photo shoot, we went along, and are passing out posters at our booth in the LE section.
SAR has a long standing policy of sending some free copies of SAR to any US service member that is deployed. We are going to send some posters of this cover over with the shipments. Remember, just email us the APO address of the soldier you want us to send some copies to and we will send them out ASAP. We call it “Cookies from Home for Shooters”, and it is on our website.
On that note, the Bangor Maine Troop Greeters are getting a monthly re supply of SAR now. Bangor International Airport is the last stop in the US that many troops make on the way to the war, and the first place they see on their return. Every troop flight going in or out of Bangor International Airport is greeted by a group of volunteers from the area who try to lend their support in many practical ways. They supply cell phones, phone cards, cookies and candy, reading material, and generally make sure the troops know they are appreciated. We started sending them cases of SAR each month, to be handed out to the troops for that long flight over the puddle. God Bless, friends, take care of business, and come home safe. We urge our readers who are in business to see if there is a way they can lend support to the troops as well.
In this issue, we have expanded from 104 pages to 112 pages. This is our 90th issue, and we think it is jam packed with all the good stuff you have come to expect from us. You might see the page count go up and down a little as we try and expand what we give the readers each month, but we haven’t gone below 104 pages in years. 90 issues so far, every thirty days just like clockwork! The one time we were slowed down, it was because of the big Ice Storm of 1998, and we were out of power on the hill in Maine for 10 days. The whole Northeast was paralyzed for weeks, and even in that case, we were only about a week and a half late on shipping. I want to thank our staff for their hard work in making this happen.
SAR is a success story because of the people who write for us, those who sacrifice each month and do the editing, layout, and the general business end of things. Most of all, it is due to the feedback of our readers, helping us to focus on the things that matter most to them. Once again, I thank all the people who work to make this wonderful magazine appear each month, on time and on the money. I also want to make sure that you, the reader, know that when you send us suggestions for articles we do send it to all of the writers, so please continue to let us know what you would like to see in our magazine. –Dan
This article first appeared in Small Arms Review V8N6 (March 2005) |