Text & Photos by Jeff W. Zimba
I have yet to shake all the โCreek Dustโ from my clothes or even unpack newfound souvenirs, but I will have to attend to those details later. Right now I have to tell you about some great new products we found at this Mecca for the Modern Emma Gee, known as the Fall 2004 Knob Creek Shoot & Show. Listed below are a few of the latest items we thought you may be interested in reading about. If I was fortunate enough to see you there this year, it was a great time as always. If you have never made the pilgrimage and you are reading this magazine, you probably owe it to yourself to attend at least one Knob Creek Show and Shoot during your lifetime. Be forewarned though, that this one-time trip often turns into a first-time trip with many more to follow.
John Tibbetts of Johns Guns had his latest .308 QD suppressor on display. It is currently being evaluated for the SASS program. It is a Stainless Steel tube with a machined, welded and pressed Inconel baffle stack for maximum efficiency and durability. No pricing was available at press time.
John Tibbetts
Johnโs Guns
Dept. SAR
761 FM213
Voss, TX 76888
The crew from Tommy15 had some examples of their new AR-15 conversion that allows the user to utilize a Suomi 71-round drum in their 9x19mm rifle. Major modifications must be made to both the lower and upper receivers to utilize their system and they offer several options for the shooter. A complete rifle can be purchased, a matched upper and lower receiver with their adapter can be purchased or just their T15A adapter can be purchased and the owner can perform the conversion himself. The example we looked at was very nice and there is a short video you can view on their website of the Tommy15 in action.
T15 Industries, LLC
Dept. SAR
POB 1739
Elfers, FL 34680-1739
Anzio Ironworks Corp had their Lightweight 50 Rifle on display. It is a bolt-action .50BMG rifle with a 5-shot detachable magazine and weighs in at only 13.5 pounds. It is available from 12 pounds to 30 pounds by custom order, depending upon configuration. Recoil is claimed to be somewhere between that of a 30-06 hunting rifle and a 12-gauge shotgun with slugs depending upon the ammunition used. Lothar Walther barrels are used in lengths from 18 inches to 26 inches. More information can be seen at their website.
Anzio Ironworks Corp.
Dept. SAR
1905 16th Street North
St. Petersburg, FL 33704
Alan Graetz of Vanguard Firearms was on hand with a few new and interesting products. The first is a major upgrade for the M10 & M11 shooting systems. The Vanguard Subgun Assembly (VSA) offers an attractive new look for the M11/9, M10, and M11/.380. This system offers comfort and control for the user of the high RPM subguns by utilizing an adjustable site, integral optics mount, fore grip, muzzle guard, and ambidextrous cocking knob. The entire assembly is parkerized to match and there is no permanent alteration to the firearm needed. Adapters will soon be available for suppressors. This new subgun assembly will be available April 2005 for $400. The second item of interest is their Franchi conversion from the registered transferable model 1962 to the LF57. They will make this conversion using the customer supplied parts kit for $400.00. The example we looked at was terrific in workmanship and finish. (Parts kits are currently available at Long Mountain Outfitters www.longmountain.com).
Allen and Vicky Graetz
Vanguard Firearms
Dept. SAR
W10843 W. 4th Road
Pound, WI 54161
Phone: (920)897-4867
Fax: (920)897-4600
Jonathan Arthur Ciener was inundated all weekend with people searching for his highly coveted 30-round magazines for the AC-556 .22 long rifle conversion kit and the M16/AR-15 .22 long rifle conversion kit. Well, he was there to please and had plenty in stock. These magazines are available again for $59.95 each or 3 for $150.00. Something else Jon dangled in front of this writer was a beautiful new .22 long rifle kit for the Beretta 93R machine pistol. With 10 minutes to spare and a case of ammo on the firing line, the author fired as many magazines as he could before the line went cold. The gun functioned excellent in both semiautomatic and 3-shot burst mode. It will be available in a low production run in the future for an undetermined price. Magazines for the production unit will hold 25 rounds. That is 1/2 box of ammo in each magazine! Very nice Jon.
Jonathan Arthur Ciener
Dept. SAR
8700 Commerce Street
Cape Canaveral, FL 32920
Marc Krebs of Krebs Custom Guns had a new product on display that will certainly be a hit within our community. He is involved in a project to manufacture semiautomatic receivers for the Czech VZ61 Skorpion machine pistol parts sets that are out there. This means that anyone with one of these parts kits can assemble it on a Form 1 as a short-barreled rifle and add this rare little 9x18mm pistol to their collection. These can also be assembled without the stock, as a regular pistol. Contact Marc for more information.
Marc Krebs
Krebs Custom Guns
Dept. SAR
1000 Round Road, Unit 106
Wauconda, IL 60084
Phone: (847)487-7776
Fax: (847)487-7778
Lakeside Guns had a few new innovations at this shoot and show. A crowd favorite seemed to be their new BF1 Vindicator belt-fed, Rimfire rifle. (Look for a feature elsewhere in this issue of SAR on the Vindicator Rifle). The real talk was about their latest project to hit the market. They have developed and started marketing nylon disintegrating links for their entire family of miniature belt-fed firearms. They can be purchased in quantities of 100 or 1000. Standard belts are again available in 25-round, 50-round and 100-round lengths. Custom belts are also available on a special order basis.
Eric Graetz
Lakeside Machine
Dept. SAR
N5391 County Road, S
Pound, WI 54161
Phone: (920)897-4682
Fax: (920)897-4688
E-Mail: sales@lakesideguns.com
Website: www.lakesideguns.com
Ordnance Research Co. had an enormous display of their machine gun cradles, T&E mechanisms, pintle mounts, dummy sideplates, and much more. One particular item that caught this writerโs eye is a beautiful black powder mortar kit. It looks just like a standard 60mm mortar but is not considered a destructive device because it is fired with a black powder charge on a percussion-rifle-style ignition system. The kits are complete with tube, bipod, base plate, and custom turned projectiles that look just like the real thing. Retail on the Mortar kit is $2000.00
Curtis Wolfe
Ordnance Research Co.
Dept. SAR
121 Vally View Drive
Ephrara, PA 17522
Phone: (717)738-6941
Fax: (717)738-4890
Rex and Ralph of Vector Arms were in attendance showing off their newest line of โno banโ firearms. All their original firearms including the Uzi line, the V53 & V93, and their new AK47 designs are being offered with the previously prohibited accessories including folding and collapsing stocks, threaded muzzles, and flash hiders. They had a nice display on hand and are currently shipping all products.
Vector, Inc.
Dept. SAR
270 W. 500 N.
North Salt Lake, UT 84054
Phone: (801)295-1917
Fax: (801)295-9316
This article first appeared in Small Arms Review V8N4 (January 2005) |