BOOK REVIEW: AUTOCANNON: A History of Automatic Cannon and their Ammunition
Reviewed by Dean Roxby This book does a spectacular job of covering the many automatic cannon designs from the late 1800s up to current types. And as the title ... Read more.

Book Review: Thorneycroft to SA80
Reviewed by Dean Roxby Author Jonathan Ferguson has what may be the best job title ever. He is the Keeper of Firearms & Artillery at the Royal Armouries Mus... Read more.

Book Review: The US M3/M3A1 Submachine Gun by Michael Heidler
Reviewed by Dean Roxby Regular readers of SAR will no doubt recognize the name Michael Heidler, as he is has contributed numerous articles over the years. He ha... Read more.

Book Review: American Breechloading Mobile Artillery 1875-1953 by Williford and Batha
Reviewed by Dean Roxby This is another high-quality book from Schiffer Publishing. American Breechloading Mobile Artillery 1875-1953, by Williford and Batha des... Read more.

BOOK REVIEW: Becoming Familiar with Dreyse Needle- Fire Variants
It is perhaps appropriate that this review will appear during the summer of 2020, as it will coincide with the 150th anniversary of the start of the Franco-Prus... Read more.

BOOK REVIEW: Technical Achievements, Missed Chances, Mistakes & Misdeeds
Although this book is now 30 years old, it is still a great resource. It covers a specific time frame (beginning just after the Franco-Prussian War and the crea... Read more.

Book Review: The Vickers Machine Gun: Pride of the Emma Gees
If you are a fan of the classic Vickers belt-fed machine gun, this book is for you. Noted author Dolf Goldsmith has done it again. As the title page states, “... Read more.

Book Review: A Comprehensive Study of German Machine Gun Models
With most multivolume books, the material is divided up between volumes so that each volume is a separate work and stands on its own; not in this case, however.... Read more.

Monster Cartridge! The .475 Bishop Short Magnum
Regular Small Arms Review readers may recall the article, “Big Bore Cartridges for AR-10s & AR-15s” (Vol. 22, No. 8, October 2018) in which this author exam... Read more.

Book Review – FN Browning Pistols: Sidearms That Shaped World History, 3rd Edition, Volumes I and II
Reviewed by Dean Roxby Author Anthony Vanderlinden has definitely set a high standard for firearms reference books with his latest release. One glance at the ne... Read more.