Several titles from Naval & Military Press
I first learned of the Naval & Military Press while searching online for books about the Nordenfelt hand cranked machine gun. I’m glad I stumbled across this ... Read more.

Book Review: The Green Meanie L96A1
The L96A1 rifle, nicknamed the Green Meanie in reference to its lethal efficiency, served as the primary sniper rifle of the British Army for nearly three decad... Read more.

Book Review: MP40 Books
Last month I reviewed two books about the iconic WW II era German MP 38 and MP 40 submachine guns. This review continues to look at other books on the same topi... Read more.

BOOK REVIEW: Two Great MP40 Books
This review looks at two books from different authors that cover one subject—the legendary German MP40 submachine gun, as well as the earlier MP38 and other e... Read more.

Book Review: “Chassepot to FAMAS: French Military Rifles, 1866 – 2016” by Ian McCollum
Well, this is a bit awkward. The way a book review is supposed to go is this: a book is released, it gets reviewed, and if the book sounds worthwhile you buy it... Read more.

The Big Bang! : Great American Fun at the 2018 Big Sandy Machine Gun Shoot in Wikieup, AZ
If machine guns interest you, consider attending the Big Sandy full-auto shoot! I had heard about this event in rural Arizona over the past few years but hadn�... Read more.

Big Bore Cartridges for AR-10s & AR-15s
Do you love big bore rifles? Somebody must like them, based on the variety of large caliber cartridges introduced in the last decade or so.
Years ago, the AR-1... Read more.

Book Review: Heidler’s Deeply Informative Dive Into the M3/M3A1 “Grease Gun”
Heidler's latest book (entirely in English) does a splendid job of covering all aspects of the M3 and the later M3A1 variant. This is fortunate as the Thompson ... Read more.

[Book Review] Misfire: The Story of How America’s Small Arms Have Failed Our Military
By Dean Roxby Despite the similar name and subject matter, this new title is completely separate from the 1994 book Misfire: The Story of How America’s Sm... Read more.

BOOK REVIEW: Origins and Designs: The Military Assault Rifle
BY DEAN ROXBY Anyone interested in the history, development, selection and use of modern military rifles will find this book to be a very useful reference sourc... Read more.