By Chris A. Choat
Choate Machine & Tool has introduced a new sniper stock for both the Savage 110 and Remington 700 series of rifles. The new stock is loaded with design features intended for the serious precision shooter. The stock is made from DuPont(tm) Rynite SST-35, a very dense, very durable polymer. It is molded in O.D. green but takes paint very well and can be painted with any good automotive spray can paint. The new stock’s features include a rubber recoil pad with 5 height adjustments as well as length of pull adjustments, two included cheek pieces (standard & tall) which are 3 position adjustable, recessed sling swivels on both sides and heavy, molded-in stippling in the grip and forearm area. The stock also has a Anschutz type “T” rail built into the inclined forearm for different accessories. A matching rail bar comes with the stock with a sling stud that accepts a Harris bipod. Slots on both sides accept fabric strips to add camouflage to the stock. Aluminum bedding blocks and a 1 1/4 inch barrel channel allow the barreled receiver to be completely free-floating. The stock is also equipped with a fine adjusting knob built into the bottom of the butt to allow the back of the stock to be raised and lowered without changing shooting positions. Numerous other features are also incorporated into the new stock. This is definitely a serious stock for the serious user. For more information contact Choate Machine & Tool Company, Inc., Dept. SAR, P.O. Box 218, Bald Knob, AR 72010. Phone: 1-800-972-6390.

Advanced Armament Corporation has just unveiled a line of rate reducers for the M-16 series of rifles. Five models of the reducers are available for .223 standard, collapsible stock and 9mm variants. All rate reducers are shipped with a buffer assembly, buffer assembly spring, an insertion/extraction tool and a very well done, extremely comprehensive instruction manual. Typical reduction rates are in the 30 to 35% range with the “SS” (Super Slow) Model reducing the firing rate of a standard 20 inch rifle to about 450 to 475 rounds per minute. These rate reducers are very well made and come with a 30-day money back guarantee as well as a Lifetime Warranty, and they are made right here in the USA. Watch for a full review of these reducers in an upcoming issue of SAR. For more information or to place an order contact Kevin Brittingham at Advanced Armament Corporation, Dept. SAR, 221 West Crogan Street, Lawrenceville, GA 30045. Phone: 1-770-277-4946. Fax: 1-770-963-6556.

Randy Shivak, also known as “Mr. 40MM”, has lots of goodies for the 40mm grendadier. Randy builds both M-203 and M79 stripped receivers as well as a wide variety of 40mm rounds. The receivers are made to G.I. specs and he guarantees the fit of your G.I. parts. Provided with the stripped receivers are Form 1’s, a parts list (with diagrams) and a list of several suppliers of parts to complete your weapon. The receivers are sold as Title One weapons and can be barreled with a sleeved 40mm to 37mm barrel to remain as such. The M-203 receivers are machined from solid billets of 2024 T-3 aircraft aluminum which are then hardcoat anodized and the M-79 receivers are machined from a solid billet of 4130 alloy steel and then parkerized. In the ammo department he manufactures a full line of 40mm ammo that is reloadable. These include the XM-26 ball bearing round, the XM140 and XM107 which are both flechette rounds and the new XM1822 round. This round is basically a sub-caliber adapter round which can be loaded with 18 rounds of .22 caliber long rifle shells. When this round is fired all 18 .22 shells are fired at once! Randy tells me this thing is a blast when loaded with .22 tracers. One other item that Randy is now working on is Mini Gun receivers. Made from stainless steel, the raw casting receivers can be ordered with or without the cam path. He also supplies a set of blueprints to finish the castings. For more info contact Randy Shivak, Dept. SAR, 9635 Patricia Court, Elyria, OH 44035. Phone: 1-440-322-1051. You can also check out his website at

This article first appeared in Small Arms Review V1N7 (April 1998) |